Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Maddie's Intervention

Leave it to Kentucky to make sure that your child is dumb enough to go to preschool...

Maddie was tested a couple of months ago to see if she "qualified" for preschool. They were tested in motor skills, speech, etc. Well, Maddie has some speech issues, which meant that she got to go back for her second round of testing. And, today was the big day! PRESCHOOL INTERVENTION. She will go on Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to11am for the next three weeks. If all goes well, she will be enrolled in the preschool program at Straub starting in August. How sad is it that you hope your child has issues so that they qualify.
Anyway, here is Maddie with her Dora lunch box which contained some rice cakes, cheese, diapers and wipes. Heaven forbid she be potty trained before school starts.

She was nervous for about a minute and then found some blocks to play with.

And here she is with Miss Bare. We have been blessed that both girls have gotten fantastic preschool teachers.

When I went to pick her up, she was still playing. She had a blast and couldn't stop talking about it. I just hope that the next 13 years of education will go as smoothly.


Melanie said...

Maddie looks especially grown up and cute here. I have heard excellent things about Ms. Bare!!!