Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh, Maddie!!!!

God love her!!! That is about all I can say right now. I am about ready to start pulling my hair out. Well, I guess not, especially since I just got it done. Anyway, I took the girls upstairs this afternoon for "quiet time". I go into Emma's room, and there are blue crayon squiggles all over her floor. So, I start yelling "who did this?" And they both get a scared look on their face. Emma says it was Maddie, and Maddie just starts backing up towards her room. I ask Maddie "why did you do that? you know that the crayons are for paper!" And she says "well, I thought that it was paper". So, she gets three smacks on the leg, and then I go and get the baby wipes. Then all three of us clean up the floor. Emma too, because she knows better. I asked her "why didn't you tell her to stop?" And Emma replies "well, I did, but she wouldn't". And I said "well then why didn't you come and get Mommy?" and all she could say was "I don't know". Of all of the things that Emma will tattle on, why she didn't tattle on floor coloring, is beyond me.
School can't start soon enough...


Stephanie said...

GRRRRRR!!!!! I feel your frustration!!!!!!! These kids just drive us up a wall sometimes don't they???? August 12th.....and 24th.......